If you’ve ever had your house for sale in the late fall/early winter (or thought about selling then) you’ve probably wondered – should you sell your house during the holiday season?

Some real estate agents would give you the 5 reasons why your house will sell better/faster/for-more-money/etc with an emphatic YES, sell during the holidays.

But, I have to ask – WHO is that advice actually helping? Seems a little self serving, doesn’t it?

So, my answer is simple.

You should sell your house during the holidays IF IT WORKS FOR YOU.

If your house is all decked out for the holidays then it might be even more beautiful than normal. It might also help buyers fall MORE in love with your house. There’s something about the warmth and extra sparkly beauty of the season that pulls on a buyer’s heart strings.

There’s a saying: “Timing is everything.”

One thought in real estate is that the buyers that are searching for a new place to call home are more serious this time of year. But, there’s no guarantee your house will sell during the holidays. (Or during spring for that matter – there’s never a guarantee on the timing.)

So, how is the timing for YOU? Do you have a moving deadline? What happens if someone does buy your house – do you have a moving strategy worked out?

But, if just the thought of having your house for sale gives you hives, then it’s probably not going to be less stressful when you think about everything else going on during the holidays:

  • Everything kept neat and tidy for possible showings
  • School vacation with kids underfoot
  • Christmas tree the cat keeps trying to attack
  • Presents, presents, presents
  • Candy making, holiday baking
  • Holiday get togethers
  • Snow on the ground
  • Slushy paw prints on the floor
  • Showings scheduled in the evening and weekends

Does it feel like it might just be too much to sell during the holidays?

Or, maybe you’ve had your house on the market and feel like you need a break. It is OK to not sell during the holidays. It’s OK to take a break for the holidays. Real estate can wait until it works for YOU.

Don’t let a real estate agent, lender, or the media pressure you into selling your house. Houses are sold all year round. While some seasons may be “better” than others, the best season to sell is the one when it works to YOUR advantage. There’s pros and cons to selling in any season. A good real estate agent will help you understand what to expect and how to overcome any hurdles in the season YOU choose to sell. It’s truly about what works best for YOU.




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